Customer satisfaction is extremely important. In todays world it is more than important. Imagine a bad tweet of a few words reaching millions on internet. There is no coming back from that. This is just not only about word of mouth now. These days information flows pretty fast and can reach hundreds of friends of a customer within a few moments. That is why it is worth to take some extra efforts to understand your customer problems.
Customer opinion about experience they have with your product/service is helpful information that you can use to customize your solution to fulfil their needs more precisely.
A customer can provide a positive or a negative feedback. That depends on his/her experience with your business. If you get a positive feedback you can boast about it. But if you get a negative feedback, you can work on the problem resolution with the customer and when the customer is finally happy, you still get to boast about it. How's that?
But before any such thing happens you have to have a way to get the customer feedback. There are several ways to collect this information.
“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning” – Bill Gates (Founder, Microsoft).
How is the customer feedback collected:
- Instant feedback from your product/company website.
- Social Media is the most used platform by the customers. So, this can be a good option to get hold of the customer response.
- Email and Customer feedback forms. An email/feedback form is another option to collect this information.
- Traditional feedback surveys and Customer interviews.
Why is the customer feedback Important:
- To evaluate Customer Satisfaction: Every business wants to ensure that it's customers are happy with it's products and services and the best way to figure this out is to gather their opinions. Customer satisfaction is always the most crucial factor to determine the financial performance of the company.
- Improves Products and Services: Before introducing a new product, it is a must to conduct market research so as to figure out the potential customers for your product. However only after the use of your product or service you can learn about all the advantages, issues and their actual experience. Also, the customer expectations keep on changing with the time so customer feedback from time to time helps you to manage your product development accordingly.
- Best Customer Experience: By collecting customer feedback a business gives the consumer a satisfaction that their opinion does matter. This makes the user feel more attached to your product/company. This creates a brand loyalty and pride the customer takes to use your product. They do not only use a product because it is good but also to exhibit a status. Best way to improve customer experience is to ask them more frequently about the service/product they use.
- Helps in Decision Making: It is not possible to take decisions in your business based on guesses. For a successful Business it is important to take best decisions in the interest of the company. So, it is important to have a reliable data to take good decisions. Customer feedback is the most valuable source of data but a company must learn how to use and interpret it into actionable form.
- Customer retention: Customer feedback helps you to figure out if the customers are satisfied with your products and services. A satisfied customer becomes loyal to you and stays however an unsatisfied customer always find a better alternative and leaves. So, by collecting the feedback and ensuring the customer satisfaction a company can retain it's customers.
- Reliable information to new consumers: In todays times consumer is hard to believe in the commercials and expert advices. Feedback provided by other consumers who are the existing users of your product and services are more reliable source of information these days.
It is well proven that positive feedback only reaches a few persons but negative feedback travels like a wildfire. So when would you prefer to deal with a customer feedback once the customer has had an unpleasant. Isn't it better to get instant feedback and deal with any negative responses in real time.
Thats why QSENSE supports instant feedback through Agent Display Unit. Not only you get real time feedback but also get instant chance to rectify the issues the customer is facing.