Customized hardware and software solutions for biometric enrolment and verification kits
The modular nature of the kits ensures that the user is able to choose the components as per its requirement. Use of rugged casings ensures that the kits highly mobile and remain durable for a longer term. These kits can be used for smaller or full fledged solution requirements for enrolling citizens like government ID programs, voters registration, travellers registration and verification among other. The usual components of the kits are certified by international certification agencies and the data capture and workflow processes ensure regulatory compliances.
Features of Biometric Enrolment and Verification kits:
User can pick and choose the hardware components as per its requirement. There is no compulsion or a basic architecture requirement. You can choose a particular item or its variant as per your requirement.
Multiple components are stored inside a rugged, compact and durable casing. This ensures minimum space requirements and provides the mobility for faster rollouts.
The system comes with CELECT Identity Management software for ready enrolments and verifications. When used in conjunction with AFIS, the system is capable of performing faster verification and authentication processes.
National ID programs, Voter registrations, Passport and VISA Enrolment processes, Law enforcements.
Biometric Kits components options:
The best part about Biometric Enrolment kits is that almost all of the components can be customized. You can pick and choose the components as per your requirements and as per your specification.
Latest configuration windows or linux devices.
Single finger or four finger scanners as per the application requirement. explore
Single or dual IRIS Scanner for enrolment and verification as per application requirement. explore
Web camera or a DSLR camera for faster mugshot enrolment.
Light weight and durable cases with internal foams.
1D or 2D Barcode scanner for faster processing.
Passport or Document scanner to scan supporting documents.