Perfect partner for library collection management needs...

Get the flexibility of a mobile inventory management with Wi-Fi and real time connection with the Library Management Software.

The bibliotheca RFID stock taking readers provide useful options for regular stock inventory operations within the library. The models supported can be used as per the requirement of the library. The inbuilt modular software can help in regular inventory, searching, weeding out and data correction of the books across the library.

Brief features:

  • Process single or multiple items in one go.
  • Direct communication with ILS/ LMS.
  • Tag data manager.
  • Easy-to-use interface & space saving ergonomics.
  • Enhanced Security: Corrects errors quickly and easily.

bibliotheca RFID Library inventory reader models...


bibliotheca mobile inventory

Get the power of real time data updated with direct linking with the ILS/LMS system. Mobile inventory is helpful for faster searching & inventory management.

- Lightweight RFID handheld reader for faster inventory processing.

- Includes bibliotheca staffConnect™ data manager for integration with majority of the ILS/LMS systems.

- Perform inventory, searching, weeding & sorting anytime bibliotheca Mobile Inventory Reader.

- Capable of boost feature for tag reading capability


bibliotheca Digital Library Assistant

Used to read the RFID tagged stock collection instantly for not only the regular stock inventory operations within the library, but also for searching, weeding out and data correction of the books across the library.

- Easy to use, designed for ideal book reading capacity

- Can hold information for a million library items

- Ergonomic design for efficient & faster reading of book tags

- Get the same reliability of patented 3M design process with bibliotheca now.