PTC - Patron Traffic Counter

Automated Kiosks for measuring footfalls in a library

From long & manual paper registers to digital information.

PTC - Patron Traffic Counter is the Latest offering from CELECT under Library automation systems portfolio. Not only will PTC helps you to replace the paper registers placed at Entry / Exit locations with the electronic authentication device, it will also ensure that you get real time reports.

The system can directly be integrated with your existing Identity methods of Smart Cards, Biometrics or Barcode. In case the library does not have an existing Identity infrastructure, CELECT can provide all type of Identity Management Solutions.

Identification methods in CELECT - Patron Traffic Counter:

  • Barcode based ID documents.
  • QR Code based ID documents.
  • Contactless Smart Cards.
  • Fingerprints of the patrons.
  • Facial recognition system.

CELECT believes that the concept of footfall can also be applied in the working of libraries but the question is, how? While libraries are facing difficulty to attract more and more people to the area, measuring footfall can be a good idea to drive more traffic towards the library. Still, confused? Read on to find out how...

Why does measuring footfall in libraries make sense?

PTC - Patron Traffic Counter

at Indian Institute of technology (IIT), Delhi

Patron Counting Systems: Integrated Features

LMS Integration

PTC does not need any specific data integration with your existing LMS. Just export a csv file from your LMS with 3-4 data fields and import the same csv into PTC system. That’s it. The system is ready to Go Live.

KOHA Compliant

If you are using KOHA as your LMS, then the data transfer is much more faster. The system can be configured to take the Patron Data directly form the KOHA system. Further the reporting links can also be directly plugged into the KOHA interface.

DECK Digital Signage

PTC can be configured to display DECK Digital Signage System whenever it is in idle mode.
The configuration of the timelines and the setup of the Digital Signage System is readily available in the PTC Software.

PTC - Patron Traffic Counter

at World Skills Center (WSC), Odisha

If your library is using paper registers to make inward and outward entries of its patrons in the library, then a good deal of precious resources are being wasted. Firstly it is time consuming and secondly the paper registers are not able to provide any real time information. If you are a public library and wish to have certain control over the usage of resources within your library then you need a system to track and manage the footfall of the patron in your library. And in case you are keep on looking for data regarding your library usage statistics then look no further. CLEECT PTC is the solution for you.

Get more for your library with PTC:

  • PTC system automates process of Patron IN and OUT entries with touch & GO interface.
  • PTC system automates the MIS and analysis process.
  • Provides secure system access using Barcodes, QR codes, Smart Cards, Biometrics or face recognition technologies.
  • It enables the library to get the information of who is using the library and for how much time.
  • The reporting is available department / category wise.
  • For public libraries it enables fair usage policy so that the library admin can be intimated if there is misuse of the library resources.
  • Paperless environment, complete workflow management & minimal manpower intervention.